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New businesses and well-established ones often spend a lot of time, money, and effort producing fantastic web presences to advertise their products, services, and brand. With that web presence comes the need to manage the interaction of customers and customers-to-be with the company’s website, web apps, and social media pages. While Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media outlets already manage the legal risks associated with visitors through use of their own terms of service and privacy policies. However, a prudent business should also consider creating a terms of use and privacy policy for the websites and web applications they develop on their own. Here are a few considerations for the use of such agreements.
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Who among us hasn’t experienced that recurring moment of frustration when signing onto a new online service and that dreaded little window opens, allowing you to read the numerous pages of terms and conditions of use at a generous clip of only 4 to 5 lines at a time? And who among us hasn’t started to read them, only to scan and scroll progressively faster until reaching the bottom, as if the really egregious terms might appear in bold red type that you easily will spot while speeding by? How about that palpable recipe of consternation, doubt and despair that sets in as you hover over the “I Agree” button that unlocks the door to an exciting new online world to which you absolutely must have access in order to share the latest video of your cat chasing that red light up the wall?
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