Even if you’ve spent a lot of time and money developing ideas or researching facts, those ideas and facts are not protected by copyright. Instead, copyright only protects the manner in which you creatively express those ideas and facts.
Please visit the latest issue of Valley Business Front August [PDF link] for a case study on this topic.
Virginia allows an employer to fire an employee for pretty much any reason (except for reasons like discrimination) but only employees fired for “misconduct” are not allowed to claim unemployment benefits; and that definition under the unemployment benefits law is very narrow.
Please visit the latest issue of Valley Business Front July [PDF link] for a case study on this topic.
Sometimes poorly-drafted corporate documents will allow the majority owners of an S-Corporation to abuse a minority shareholder. A savvy business attorney, however, can identify a potential “nuclear option” within those same documents that could threaten turning the tax-friendly S-corporation into a double-taxed C-corporation.
Please visit the latest issue of Valley Business Front May [PDF link] for a case study on this topic.
If you’re originally from out of state, and you hope to later qualify for in-state tuition rates, then check with a lawyer sooner rather than later. A silly mistake now might easily eliminate your chances later.
Please visit the latest issue of Valley Business Front April [PDF link] for a case study on this topic.