
The Two Most Important Things in Your Contract

Attorney, The Creekmore Law Firm PC

By Pwips (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

Via Wikimedia Commons

(A version of this article previously appeared in the Valley Business Front.)

After five minutes of talking to the guy it was clear that he was in the right, but that he was still out of luck.

He’d signed a contract with a New York company and paid them $4000 to develop a web site for his local small business.  A year later, they had only done about a third of the work they were supposed to, and even that they’d done poorly.

“Can I sue them?” he asked.

“Well sure, but look at this paragraph here,” I said, pointing at the contract.  The first pages of the contract had all sorts of details about the web-site-that-never-was: the code the New Yorkers were supposed to write, the copy they were supposed to write, the color scheme they were supposed to use.  None of it mattered.  The only important paragraph was on page four, and it read:

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