Blair Wood


Creekmore, Connors, and Wood Named 2013 “Super Lawyers”

Attorney, The Creekmore Law Firm PC

Congratulations to James Creekmore, Blair Wood and Andrew Connors for being honored as Virginia Super Lawyers in this month’s issue of Super Lawyers Magazine. This marks the seventh consecutive year that James has been named to the list for his work in the field of Intellectual Property Law. Blair and Andrew are making their debut appearances on the Rising Stars list in the categories of Business Litigation for Blair and Appellate Practice for Andrew. Lawyers are nominated by their peers and then vetted through an independent evaluative process, with the final list representing no more than 5% of lawyers in the Commonwealth. So, kudos to our three for finding themselves in such exclusive company!

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NRV Magazine Feature: Blair Wood, Prepared for a Challenge

Attorney, The Creekmore Law Firm PC

NRV Magazine Blair CoverNRV Magazine, November/December 2011

Neatly hanging in her downtown Blacksburg office, Blair Wood has four tailored jackets waiting for an unpredictable day.  Her impressive flat-screen desktop display shares space with precisely stacked briefs and documents.  Whether it is court, meeting with a client, or attending an event, Wood is ready to tackle the job, even if it means staying at the office all night.

Credits: Krisha Chachra, Photos by Bonnie A. Bounds

NRV Magazine NovDec2011



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IP Profiles Q&A: Poised

Attorney, The Creekmore Law Firm PC

IPITOME BlairIPITOME, Summer 2011 Blair N.C. Wood has been there, done that.  She’s traveled the world, worked as a police officer and meth-lab technician, and graduated top of her law-school class–all by 33. Credit: Doug Waters

IPITOME Blair Summer 2011 Solo






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Valley Business Front Feature: Accepting the Challenge

Attorney, The Creekmore Law Firm PC

VBFAugustValley Business Front, August 2011

Creekmore Law Firm newcomer Blair Wood has made excelling at the unusual a normal part of her cycle.

Forget the pinstripes, the stuffy sentences, the suspicion that not only business, but life, may be measured in “billable hours.”

Valley Business Front August




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