

Connors and Creekmore Publish in Liberty University Law Review

Attorney, The Creekmore Law Firm PC

Guide for ArtistsUnderstanding Intellectual Property: A Guide for Artists

Published by James Creekmore and Andrew P. Connors, this article in the Liberty University Law Review examines some common intellectual property issues that artists face, including corporate and business law, contracts, licensing, and fair use.

You can download the full article from SSRN.






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Handshake 2.0

Attorney, The Creekmore Law Firm PC

H_57x57Read more about our Firm from a fellow small business owner’s perspective. Anne Giles Clelland has written informative and thoughtful posts at Handshake 2.0.

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ABA Journal Feature: Lawyers Giving Back

Attorney, The Creekmore Law Firm PC

ABA Journal: Law News Now, February 2012

James Creekmore featured with Elvis impersonator Craige McKenna as part of a fundraising campaign for United Way.
Click the link below to see the two in Action!






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NRV Magazine Feature: Blair Wood, Prepared for a Challenge

Attorney, The Creekmore Law Firm PC

NRV Magazine Blair CoverNRV Magazine, November/December 2011

Neatly hanging in her downtown Blacksburg office, Blair Wood has four tailored jackets waiting for an unpredictable day.  Her impressive flat-screen desktop display shares space with precisely stacked briefs and documents.  Whether it is court, meeting with a client, or attending an event, Wood is ready to tackle the job, even if it means staying at the office all night.

Credits: Krisha Chachra, Photos by Bonnie A. Bounds

NRV Magazine NovDec2011



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